Money Matters

Sisyphus in Karachi

By Majyd Aziz
24 February, 2025

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the founder and king of Ephyra. After cheating death, he was condemned to eternal punishment in the underworld once he died of old age. The gods forced him to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, forcing him to repeat this action for eternity.

Sisyphus in Karachi

In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was the founder and king of Ephyra. After cheating death, he was condemned to eternal punishment in the underworld once he died of old age. The gods forced him to roll an immense boulder up a hill, only for it to roll back down every time it neared the top, forcing him to repeat this action for eternity.

A key lesson from the myth of Sisyphus is the importance of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Despite being condemned to an eternity of ceaseless toil, Sisyphus continued to push the boulder up the hill, even though it rolled back down each time. Today, many Sisyphus(s) exist in chambers and associations. In every meeting with policymakers and government representatives, and even through press releases, the Sisyphus syndrome is pervasive.

Consider the case of Karachi's business leaders. For years, they have persistently and factually voiced grievances about electricity and gas issues. These concerns dominate discussions, as dialogues begin and end with the power and gas crises. Yet, all arguments fall on deaf ears. Business leaders consistently leave with half-baked promises, vague assurances of raising the issues with the relevant authorities, and the formation of committees to find solutions. But nothing changes, and the complaints continue. Sisyphus is here too.

Public hearings by electricity and gas regulators are another exercise in futility. Private sector representatives attend these meetings armed with comprehensive documents, empirical evidence, and focused presentations. The atmosphere is often tense, with accusations exchanged between business leaders and utility companies. Yet, the outcome is always pre-decided. Business representatives leave feeling frustrated and dejected but keep attending, fully aware of the cycle. Sisyphus is here too.

Then there are meetings with law-enforcement agencies, primarily the police. Small traders attend these meetings in full force, passionately presenting a litany of law-and-order issues plaguing their markets. They await the response of the law enforcer, who initially responds defensively, blaming the traders, before offering conciliatory promises: more policemen, a designated focal person, and regular monthly meetings.

Business and industry leaders must break out of the cycle they are stuck in. This is the time for assertiveness, real unity and the rejection of submissiveness and inertia. It is now or never

The session ends with applause, a plaque and photographs with the law enforcer. The next day, extra policemen are stationed, a focal person is appointed and a meeting date is set. But soon, the situation reverts to its previous state. A few months later, another law enforcer is invited, the same demands are made, the same assurances are given and the cycle continues. Sisyphus is here too.

The demand for better road infrastructure in markets and industrial estates is another recurring struggle. Everyone in the government knows that the roads are dilapidated -- full of potholes and craters, surrounded by sewage water, littered with debris, missing manhole covers, and poorly lit at night. City officials routinely announce that road rehabilitation is in the pipeline and will commence soon. Months pass, road conditions worsen, a few materials are sent, and business leaders console themselves that improvements are imminent. But nothing changes. They return to square one and wait for the next meeting with the same demands. Sisyphus is here too.

Corruption is another area where hypocrisy runs deep. Chamber and association leaders urge members not to offer bribes or give in to bureaucratic pressures -- even when faced with red tape. Businessmen pledge zero tolerance, and a few zealously try to follow through. But they soon find themselves at a disadvantage, watching their peers navigate the system with ease by greasing the right palms.

Government officials attending chamber meetings routinely preach zero tolerance for corruption, encouraging businessmen to report demands for bribes directly. Some take up the offer, only to find the officials unavailable or unresponsive. Disillusioned, they eventually give in to the prevailing system. Sisyphus is here too.

Karachi's businessmen are the worst victims of this ecosystem of false promises, empty pledges and broken assurances. The city’s negative image is further amplified by persistent electricity loadshedding, low or zero gas pressure, erratic water supply, rampant corruption at all levels of government and widespread litter and graffiti polluting its environment.

Business and industry leaders must break out of the cycle they are stuck in. This is the time for assertiveness, real unity and the rejection of submissiveness and inertia. It is now or never. Sisyphus didn’t stop because he truly believed he could make the rock stay at the top of the hill. He failed every time. But maybe today’s business leader might finally succeed.

The writer is a former president of the Karachi Chamber of Commerce and Industry.