Money Matters

Think tanks for change: the case of NNETT

By Ahad Nazir & Abdullah Khalid
Mon, 09, 24

In a rapidly evolving economic landscape, the importance of informed policymaking cannot be overstated. Pakistan’s economic challenges, from inconsistent growth patterns to structural inefficiencies, demand a robust mechanism for policy research, advocacy, and capacity building. This is where the SDPI’s National Network of Economic Think Tanks (NNETT) steps in, providing a critical platform for evidence-based research and strategic advocacy across the country.

Think tanks for change: the case of NNETT

In a rapidly evolving economic landscape, the importance of informed policymaking cannot be overstated. Pakistan’s economic challenges, from inconsistent growth patterns to structural inefficiencies, demand a robust mechanism for policy research, advocacy, and capacity building. This is where the SDPI’s National Network of Economic Think Tanks (NNETT) steps in, providing a critical platform for evidence-based research and strategic advocacy across the country.

NNETT, with its expansive network of over 50 members spread across all regions of Pakistan, plays a pivotal role in shaping economic policy. Its Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chapter (NNETT-KPC), for instance, has been at the forefront of generating localized economic evidence, engaging in dialogues around the cottage industry, and raising awareness of crucial government initiatives like the Pakistan Single Window. These efforts are essential in a province where economic challenges are compounded by security issues, geographical barriers, and a lack of cohesive policy implementation.

The role of the NNETT goes beyond just research; it involves active advocacy to ensure that policy proposals are not only evidence-based but also actionable and aligned with the broader economic goals of the country. In recent years, NNETT-KPC’s contributions have included the inclusion of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-specific sectors such as marble, gems, and minerals in the Strategic Trade Policy Framework. This inclusion is a testament to the power of targeted, data-driven advocacy in driving policy change.

However, the impact of think tanks like the NNETT is not without its challenges. One of the key issues is the private sector’s limited capacity to engage in policy discussions effectively. Business associations often struggle with weak staffing, inadequate research skills, and a lack of meaningful engagement with academia. These gaps result in policy submissions that are poorly structured, lacking the necessary macro-level perspective, and often dismissed as impractical by policymakers.

To address these shortcomings, the NNETT is committed to enhancing the research and communication skills of private-sector representatives. By fostering collaborations between private sector associations and academic institutions, the NNETT aims to create a more integrated approach to policy development. This includes equipping stakeholders with the skills to craft compelling, evidence-based proposals that resonate with policymakers and drive real change.

A key strategy to achieve this is through targeted training on policy analysis, evidence-based advocacy, and communication strategies. NNETT is focused on equipping private sector representatives with the skills needed to effectively participate in the policymaking process. This training aims to transform participants into active contributors, capable of analyzing policy impacts, advocating for relevant issues, and communicating their insights in ways that are both persuasive and actionable.

Furthermore, fostering collaborations between private sector associations and academic institutions is central to the NNETT’s approach. Such partnerships enhance research and development skills within the private sector, enabling the generation of localized, evidence-based policy recommendations that directly address specific economic challenges in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. By drawing on the expertise of academic institutions, these collaborations ensure that the private sector’s policy inputs are grounded in robust research and aligned with broader economic objectives.

The NNETT also places a strong emphasis on training participants in the development and presentation of compelling, actionable policy proposals. By focusing on the art of crafting proposals that resonate with policymakers, the NNETT aims to increase the acceptance and implementation of private sector recommendations. This training goes beyond technical skills, fostering a deep understanding of the policy landscape and the strategic considerations that influence decision-making at various levels of government.

In addition to skills development, the NNETT advocates for a more consultative approach to policy-making. Effective policy formulation requires a multi-stakeholder model, where the roles of academia, industry, and government are clearly defined and harmonized. For example, economic policies developed at the provincial level must align with federal frameworks to avoid fragmentation and support cohesive, sustainable growth strategies. This alignment is crucial in ensuring that policy interventions have the desired impact on the ground.

Moreover, the NNETT champions the integration of rigorous monitoring and evaluation mechanisms within the policy-making process. By incorporating feedback loops and real-time adjustments, policies can be continuously refined to better meet the needs of the private sector and the broader economy. This pragmatic approach moves away from traditional, top-down models of policy development and towards a more dynamic, responsive system that values stakeholder input at every stage.

The work of the NNETT underscores the importance of think tanks as active participants in the policy-making process, not merely observers. By providing a structured platform for dialogue, research, and advocacy, the NNETT is helping to bridge critical gaps in Pakistan’s economic policy landscape. The outcomes of these efforts are reflected not only in the policies that are adopted but also in the strengthened capacity of the private sector to engage meaningfully in national economic discourse.

As Pakistan navigates its complex economic challenges, the role of think tanks like the NNETT becomes increasingly vital. By continuing to advocate for evidence-based, inclusive, and coordinated policy approaches, the NNETT is not only responding to the immediate needs of today but also shaping the economic future of the nation. The initiatives spearheaded by the NNETT, particularly in regions like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, exemplify how strategic, collaborative efforts can drive impactful change, fostering a more resilient and prosperous economic environment for all.

The NNETT’s mission to equip private-sector representatives with the necessary skills, foster meaningful collaborations, and champion a consultative policy-making approach is essential for addressing the unique economic challenges faced by regions like Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. By continuing to support and expand these initiatives, the NNETT will play a crucial role in shaping policies that promote sustainable development and inclusive growth across Pakistan.

The writers are associated with the Sustainable Development Policy Institute, Islamabad and are part of the secretariat of the National Network for Economic Think Tanks. They can be reached at:

Note: The article doesn’t necessarily represent the views of the organization.