Money Matters

From sunlight to sustainability: how solar boats can help fishing

From sunlight to sustainability: how solar boats can help fishing

Integration with boat systems involves configuring the solar array to power propulsion systems, refrigeration units, and other essential equipment, ensuring seamless operation even under variable weather conditions.

For instance, in the Philippines, solar-powered fishing boats have successfully integrated solar energy with electric propulsion and fish preservation systems, significantly reducing reliance on conventional fuels. Effective energy storage solutions, such as advanced lithium-ion batteries or hybrid systems combining solar with auxiliary diesel generators, are critical to maintaining power supply during low sunlight periods.

Maintenance and durability considerations include regular cleaning of panels, corrosion-resistant materials, and robust mounting systems to withstand harsh marine environments. The success of these initiatives in India and the Philippines highlights the importance of reliable and durable systems, ensuring the longevity and reliability of the solar energy system on fishing boats. By analyzing these examples, Pakistan can design pilot projects tailored to its unique coastal and economic conditions, ensuring sustainable and efficient fishing practices through solar energy integration.

The economic analysis of solar-powered fishing boats aligns with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 13 (Climate Action), and SDG 14 (Life Below Water). The initial investment and installation costs for solar panels and associated systems can be significant, but these are often offset by government incentives and subsidies promoting renewable energy adoption. For example, India and the Philippines have provided financial support to fishermen transitioning to solar energy, reducing the initial financial burden.

Long-term savings on fuel and maintenance are substantial, as solar energy eliminates the need for costly diesel fuel and reduces engine wear and tear. This leads to lower operational costs and extended boat lifespan, directly contributing to SDG 7 by ensuring access to affordable energy and SDG 14 by reducing marine pollution from fuel spills. The return on investment (ROI) and payback period for solar-powered fishing boats can be relatively short, often within a few years, due to these operational savings. Government incentives and subsidies play a crucial role in improving the ROI and reducing the payback period. Policies such as grants, tax rebates, and low-interest loans make the transition more financially viable for fishermen.

These economic benefits, combined with the environmental advantages, support SDG 13 by mitigating climate change impacts through reduced greenhouse gas emissions. Overall, the economic viability of solar-powered fishing boats, bolstered by government support, presents a sustainable solution that addresses multiple SDGs, fostering a greener and more resilient fishing industry.

As per estimates, a conventional small boat consumes 2,500 litres of fuel/year, which results in 5-6 tonnes of carbon emissions/year. Multiplied by number of boats in Pakistan, it gives the size of carbon emission, which is massive. The environmental impact of adopting solar-powered fishing boats is hence profound, with significant benefits for both the atmosphere and marine environments. Firstly, the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants is substantial, as solar energy replaces diesel fuel, a major source of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter emissions. This shift contributes directly to mitigating climate change, improving air quality, and aligning with global efforts to reduce carbon footprints in line with the Paris Agreement.

Moreover, solar-powered boats offer the potential for reduced marine noise pollution. Traditional diesel engines produce considerable underwater noise, which can disrupt marine life, particularly species sensitive to sound. Solar-powered electric engines operate more quietly, creating a less intrusive environment for marine organisms. This reduction in noise pollution can help protect marine mammals, fish, and other sea life, fostering healthier ecosystems.

The impact on marine ecosystems and fish populations is also significant. Lower emissions and reduced noise contribute to a more stable and less polluted habitat, promoting biodiversity and the well-being of marine species. Additionally, the elimination of oil and fuel spills from solar-powered boats prevents contamination of the water, safeguarding aquatic plants and animals. These environmental benefits align with conservation goals, ensuring that fishing practices are sustainable and do not harm the ecosystems they depend on. Overall, the transition to solar-powered fishing boats supports the health of marine environments, contributing to the preservation of vital ecosystems and the sustainable management of fish populations.

The call to action on the subject may include the following:

Step 1: Planning and Initial Setup

• Feasibility Study and Stakeholder Engagement

• Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the potential for solar energy integration in fishing boats (of varying sizes).

• Engage with key stakeholders, including fishing communities, government agencies, and NGOs.

• Identify pilot locations and establish partnerships with local and international organizations.

• Policy Development and Funding Acquisition

• Develop policy frameworks to support solar-powered fishing boats, including subsidies, grants, and tax incentives.

• Secure funding from government budgets, international grants, and private investments.

• Initiate public awareness campaigns about the benefits of solar energy in the fishing industry.

Step 2: Pilot Projects and Capacity Building

• Pilot Project Implementation

• Launch pilot projects in selected coastal areas, retrofitting a small number of fishing boats with solar panels and associated systems.

• Monitor and evaluate the performance, collecting data on energy efficiency, cost savings, and environmental impact.

• Training and Capacity Building

• Provide training programs for fishermen on the operation and maintenance of solar-powered boats.

• Develop technical skills among local engineers and technicians for installation and upkeep.

Step 3: Expansion and Infrastructure Development

• Analysis and Optimization

• Analyze data from pilot projects to identify areas for improvement and optimization.

• Refine solar panel designs and integration processes based on pilot feedback.

• Infrastructure Development

• Begin development of necessary infrastructure, including solar panel manufacturing facilities and maintenance centers.

• Expand the installation of solar-powered systems to additional fishing boats, scaling up from pilot projects.

Step 4: Large-Scale Implementation and Monitoring

• Large-Scale Implementation

• Roll out large-scale implementation of solar-powered fishing boats across multiple coastal regions.

• Ensure all new and retrofitted boats meet standardized specifications for safety and efficiency.

• Monitoring and Continuous Improvement

• Establish a robust monitoring system to track the performance of solar-powered boats and infrastructure.

• Continually assess environmental and economic impacts, making adjustments as needed.

Step 5: Consolidation and Future Planning

• Consolidation and Assessment

• Consolidate gains by ensuring all operational aspects are streamlined and efficient.

• Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the program’s impact on energy savings, environmental benefits, and economic viability.

• Future Planning and Sustainability

• Develop a long-term sustainability plan to maintain and enhance the use of solar energy in the fishing industry.

• Explore additional renewable energy opportunities and hybrid solutions to further reduce environmental impact.

• Foster ongoing research and development to keep pace with technological advancements in solar energy.

The integration of solar-powered technology into the fishing industry holds immense promise for advancing sustainable practices. By harnessing solar energy, fishing operations can substantially reduce their carbon footprint, improve overall energy efficiency, and contribute significantly to broader sustainable development goals.

Such initiatives not only enhance operational sustainability but also pave the way for a more resilient and environmentally responsible fishing sector in Pakistan and beyond.


Muhammad Jawad Akhtar is a maritime policy specialist; retired commodore and former advisor to the Ministry of Planning, Development & Special Initiatives, GoP. He can be reached at:

Naufil Shahrukh is a policy communication specialist, maritime researcher and PhD scholar at Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.

He can be reached at: