Operation Swift Retort is a Pakistani animated short film produced and directed by Karachi-based animator DJ Kamal Mustafa. The film seeks to expose India’s Balakot strike charade and the subsequent response of the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) where a fighter jet shot down Indian fighter jets and captured an Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Abhinandhan Varthaman.
He said: “Operation Swift Retort is my third animated film but this film is (the) first of its kind to be produced in Pakistan. The characters of the film are made through Adobe Fuse character creator. I have also used different high-class graphics, game engines software and modelling software for the first time in Pakistan.”
He added: “I believe film is a medium where we can counter propaganda and can (build a) counter narrative by creating content which is based on facts.”
DJ Kamal Mustafa, who is one of few animators in Pakistan, while speaking to this scribe, said: “I want to dedicate this film to Pakistani Air Force, pilots Hassan Siddiqui, Noman Ali Khan, DG ISPR Maj-Gen Asif Ghafoor, COAS Gen Bajwa and Air Chief Marshal Mujahid Anwar Khan.”
The 23-minute long film is available on social media platforms.