It looks like Osama Karamat Ali Shah, better known as Osama Com Laude (OCL), the Pindi boy, is destined for great things because he is open to all kinds of ideas. His newest single, ‘Dil’ might be a little cheesy but it is definitely different than his last release, ‘Chaklala Scheming’ which is a good thing. While the video for the song ‘Dil’ is in the pipeline, the song has been released in time for Valentine’s Day. It is a bilingual track that gets tedious at one point but recovers quickly.
Speaking to Instep in an extensive interview OCL had explained in context of ‘Dil’, “I’ve always been about the masses; English is a niche audience.”
Osama Com Laude will continue to release singles but will release an album when, he says, he has the proper backing for it. In the meantime, check out the single. Though cheesy, its cheeky desi rap.
Hoping to make a bigger mark on the mainstream with ‘Dil’, OCL is also making a music video for it, which is being helmed by Meiraj Haq.