In the wake of #MeToo Movement, many Bollywood celebrities have spoken up regarding the sexual misconduct that they had to face. Since the Nana Patekar case erupted, a spate of filmmakers and actors have also been named and shamed. Sajid Khan is one name that has surfaced in the recent past. After the accusations gained momentum, Sajid Khan’s sister Farah Khan, who is a renowned choreographer and filmmaker, took to Twitter and stated, “This is a heartbreaking time for my family. We have to work through some very difficult issues.”
She added, “If my brother has behaved in this manner, he has a lot to atone for. I don’t, in any way, endorse this behaviour and stand in solidarity with any woman who has been hurt.”
While Farah Khan’s Tweet came as a surprise, it didn’t go down well with the Twitterarti who lashed out at her. In response to her statement, someone tweeted, “First have the decency to delete the picture you put up with Nana Patekar literally a couple of days after Tanushree spoke up.”
Retweeting Farah’s statement, another post stated, “He needn’t do it in front of her. When there were so many articles about him before, she didn’t talk against it. Now things are getting serious. Even now her point is “if” he has done it. Still the victims are the ones who are doubted.”
Apart from this, recent reports suggest that Sajid Khan has stepped down as the director of the upcoming instalment of Housefull and said that he must take the moral responsibility of stepping down from his directorial post, till the time he can counter the allegations and prove the truth. #MeToo is a constantly developing story.