Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming period drama, Padmavati is one of the most anticipated films slated to release this year. Though it faced multiple issues during production, the recently launched trailer has received praise from most quarters. Featuring Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh and Shahid Kapoor in lead roles, it is dominated by grandeur and royalty, given the subject of the film.
Speaking about his experience with the film at the closing ceremony of 19th Jio MAMI Film Festival, Shahid Kapoor shared, “It has been a journey of the year. It’s a film, which everybody has worked really hard on. It is a privilege to be a Rajput king. It’s (Padmavati) a legendary tale about the amazing people that existed in the time and I am privileged to have played Raja Rawal Ratan Singh. I want people to see the film. I know the trailer’s out. The looks are out and everyone is talking about it but you have to see the film to understand what it is about and to truly experience it.”
Kapoor stars as a Rajput king Raja Rawal Ratan Singh while Padukone essays the role of Rani Padmavati around whom the film revolves. Ranveer Singh, on the other hand, will be seen essaying the role of Alauddin Khilji, who falls in love with Padmavati - who is married to Raja Rawal Ratan Singh. The subversion of history for the sake of creative control could land the film in serious trouble upon release, as has been threatened by certain communities. The film is all set to release on December 1 of this year. We will know more then.