Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s much anticipated, big-budget cinematic outing, Padmavati is his third period film in a row, after Goliyon Ki Rasleela Ram-Leela and Bajirao Mastani. The film stars an almost similar cast that includes Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone alongside new entrant the Bhansali camp, Shahid Kapoor. In a recent interview, Padukone, who essays the role of Queen Padmavati shared that while she is fortunate to have worked with Bhansali for Padmavati, the experience of working on the project has been “exhausting”.
She was speaking at the launch of Hema Malini’s biography Hema Malini: Beyond the Dream Girl. Calling it one of the most memorable roles of her career so far, she went on to say, “I feel extremely fortunate to have worked repeatedly with someone like Sanjay Leela Bhansali. It’s been over five years and three consecutive films, back to back, the director is known to give women extremely challenging, empowering and powerful roles. Padmavati has been an extremely exhausting experience... We shot non-stop for almost seven-eight months. I feel certain characters don’t leave your system.”
Based on the life of queen Padmavati, the period drama stars Kapoor as her husband, Maharawal Ratan Singh who happens to be a Rajput ruler while Ranveer Singh will be seen as the Delhi Sultan, Alauddin Khilji who falls in love with Padmavati. The film is expected to come out on December 1, this year.