Instep Today

J.K Rowling defends Islam; artists call for stricter gun control laws

Wed, 10, 17

Gun-related violence in the United States is on the rise in manic proportions. The tragic and horrifying shooting in Las Vegas that took place during a music festival earlier this week is simply the latest example. With 59 dead and over 500 people injured, the gunfire is now the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Gun-related violence in the United States is on the rise in manic proportions. The tragic and horrifying shooting in Las Vegas that took place during a music festival earlier this week is simply the latest example. With 59 dead and over 500 people injured, the gunfire is now the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history.

Not surprisingly, the latest incident has left Americans reeling and an outpouring of grief can be seen on social media. While plenty of stars took to social media to express heartbreak, things took a strange turn when singer-songwriter Ariana Grande commented on the matter and spoke about the need for stricter gun control. But as is the nature of the Internet and trolls, the singer-songwriter was attacked for not calling out for “radical Islamic control” when her gig in Manchester (United Kingdom) was attacked earlier this year. Before Grande could respond though, author J.K Rowling rose to the occasion and responded to this viewpoint in the following words: “Islam doesn’t kill people. People kill people.”

Apart from Grande, several celebrities from the world of showbiz have spoken on the need for stricter gun control laws in the United States. Lady Gaga, for instance, did not play it safe while addressing the issue. She stated, “This is terrorism plain and simple. Terror bares no race, gender or religion. Democrats & Republicans please unite now.” In another tweet addressing the President of the United States and Speaker of the House, Gaga noted, “Blood is on the hands of those who have power to legislate. #GunControl act quickly.”

Jessica Chastain rightly noted in a tweet: “Mass shootings cause gun stocks to rise. They’re making money off tragedy. Are you ok with your reps being bought with that money? Shameful.”

Patricia Arquette also spoke about the need for gun control as she tweeted: “Dear God what will it take to get rational gun control laws in America? How many innocent people have to die for this? #NRA.”