Everyone has the right to voice their views but it is important to think before saying anything directed at someone else. While it’s okay to have an opinion that everybody may not agree with, it’s not very graceful to comment on your co-workers, especially seniors, on national television. This is with reference to actress Syra Shehroz’s outspoken jabs on Tonight With HSY; she attacked almost everyone in the industry who’s way more senior to her in every way.
Everyone has the right to voice their views but it is important to think before saying anything directed at someone else. While it’s okay to have an opinion that everybody may not agree with, it’s not very graceful to comment on your co-workers, especially seniors, on national television. This is with reference to actress Syra Shehroz’s outspoken jabs on Tonight With HSY; she attacked almost everyone in the industry who’s way more senior to her in every way.
The third episode of Tonight With HSY aired on Sunday and featured Shehroz and her sister Alishba Yousuf. Both of them, while being personally dull and unimpressive, made up for their lack of personality by being bluntly critical about others. Shehroz, who won the ‘rapid fire’ segment, said that Saba Qamar is a good actress but she cannot dance. We felt it was like Ranveer Singh saying Govinda is a great dancer but he doesn’t know how to act. Rude.
Syra rated Fawad Khan 4 out of 10 for personality; Khan is one of the biggest superstars in the country and one didn’t think it was very tasteful of the starlet, who really has nothing to her credit, to berate him like this. We’re all for tongue in cheek humour and sarcasm but it would have made sense had she joked about artists in her age and experience age bracket. Maybe Shehroz Sabzwari?