Gauri Shinde’s anticipated romantic drama, tentatively titled Dear Zindagi, which also stars our very own rockstar-turned-actor Ali Zafar, is all set to release by the end of this year. While Alia Bhatt is said to be the main lead of the film, news has been circulating that Shah Rukh Khan is playing a cameo in the film. However, the latest reports surrounding the film suggest that he is playing a pivotal role and his screen time is about 30 minutes in total.
“Shah Rukh has a full-fledged role in the film,” reports Hindustan Times. “It definitely can’t be called an extended cameo. He will be there on screen for a good 30 minutes.”The actor is said to have shot for 49 days, which suggests he probably has a major role in the film. According to reports, Khan will be essaying the role of Bhatt’s life coach and has a significant impact on her decisions. Nonetheless, it’s Bhatt who lies at the heart of the story.
A source close to the film revealed, “It’s completely Alia’s film and it revolves around the different relationships and changes in her character. SRK plays her life coach and his character will eventually bring about a change in her. However, SRK is anyway aware of the fact that film doesn’t belong to him.”
Alongside Khan and Bhatt, who will be sharing screen space for the first time but won’t be romancing each other, Dear Zindagi also features four male actors who will come together for a special sequence in the film. Aside from Ali Zafar, who will be playing the role of a musician, the film also features Kunal Kapoor, Aditya Roy Kapur and Angad Bedi in important roles.