Instep Today

A meeting between Qandeel Baloch and Mufti Abdul Qawi is a win for the voyeuristic star

By Haiya Bokhari
Wed, 06, 16

If you aren’t acquainted with the highly entertaining antics of one Ms. Qandeel Baloch then clearly you’ve been living under a rock.

If you aren’t acquainted with the highly entertaining antics of one Ms. Qandeel Baloch then clearly you’ve been living under a rock. It’s time to climb out and catch up. Baloch is a social media sensation who either makes people very angry or very amused. In either case, she’s the real winner because whatever your reaction might be, Baloch gets the eyeballs that make her a viral internet hit. It also exposes an inherent hypocrisy in our society; Baloch succinctly points out that all her haters first stalk her profile and view her racy videos before condemning her to hell for indecency.

Baloch thrives on shock value and what could be more shocking than when the said star uploads photos with a known politico-religious figure during Ramazan? The twenty-something diva took the internet by storm when she posted a series of selfies with Mufti Abdual Qawi, a scholar who is known for his rather misogynistic stance on women. In one photo Baloch is seen wearing Qawi’s Jinnah cap while the maulana talks on his cell phone.

What’s most amusing about this meeting are the opposing stances presented by both parties as to the cause of their tete-a-tete. Baloch insists that the religious scholar is a fan and in love with her while Maulana Sahib refutes the claims and states that he was only attempting to bring Baloch closer to God.

Considering that one of the parties involved is known for their unabashed honesty and the other for the duplicity of their teachings and claims, it isn’t hard for us to decide who’s telling the truth.