Based on the story of a group of girls who learn to express themselves through the art of music, Lyari Notes marks the collaboration of two filmmakers, Maheen Zia and Miriam Chandy Menacherry, one from Pakistan and another from India, respectively. The documentary premiered at the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA) earlier this year and generated much appreciation from critics and audiences alike. After multiple screenings at international film festivals including Mumbai International Film Festival, Lyari Notes is set to screen in the UK later this month.
The documentary will be screened at Sheffield International Documentary Festival on Friday, June 17, followed by a discussion with the filmmaker Miriam Chandy Menacherry.
Lyari Notes was one of the 16 projects selected worldwide for the IDF Academy Summer School 2013.
Captured over a period of three years, the documentary is about “music and resistance” and follows the story of rock star, Hamza Jafri, who takes up the challenge of teaching music to four young girls from Lyari – one of the most volatile districts of Karachi. Through the lives of Jafri and these girls, the documentary provides an insight into how difficult it becomes to express oneself amidst prevalent violence in the country. Maheen shot the film in Karachi while Miriam has edited it in Mumbai.