Instep Today

L’Oreal initiates ‘Beauty for a Better Life’

Wed, 03, 16

Global beauty giants, L’Oreal, in keeping with their commitment to give back to the community and promote a better life through make-up, recently launched a philanthropic endeavor in collaboration with a non-profit organization, ICare. The program, “Beauty for a Better Life” is aimed at the less privileged members of our society, particularly women from lower income brackets and involves an intense three month course where they are mentored by professionals in hair and beauty.

Global beauty giants, L’Oreal, in keeping with their commitment to give back to the community and promote a better life through make-up, recently launched a philanthropic endeavor in collaboration with a non-profit organization, ICare. The program, “Beauty for a Better Life” is aimed at the less privileged members of our society, particularly women from lower income brackets and involves an intense three month course where they are mentored by professionals in hair and beauty. They also receive personal grooming training and are taught basic vocational skills to help them become independent, working members of the society. 

The program, supported by model Mehreen Syed who serves as the chairperson of ICare, has been implemented in several countries internationally and is backed by the L’Oreal Foundation. Musharaf Hai, CEO L’Oreal Pakistan, commended the initiative and claimed that it would empower women by teaching them theoretical and practical skills that can be monetized by the beneficiaries through work or even entrepreneurship.