Saturday January 04, 2025

Johnny Depp 'desperate' for court to ‘shut down’ Amber Heard’s appeal for juror investigation

Johnny Depp pushes to have Amber Heard investigation appeal blocked?

By Web Desk
July 13, 2022

File Footage

Johnny Depp has been busy trying to appeal Amber Heard’s investigation appeal for juror no. 15 blocked.

This report has been brought forward by Radar, shortly after Amber presented her ‘evidence’ regarding juror no. 15.

Heard’s plea for an investigation hinges on the fact that “The 52-year-old- (redacted) sitting on the jury for six weeks was never summoned for jury duty on April 11 and did not ‘appear in the list,’ as required.”

She also added that it was “deeply troubling for an individual not summoned for jury duty nonetheless to appear for jury duty and serve on a jury, especially in a case such as this.”

Depp on the other hand feels Heard’s motion is a “desperate, after-the-fact demand.”

Especially given the fact that she’s waived her right to “challenge the accuracy of the information listed in the jury panel by failing to raise the objection contemporaneously.”