Saturday September 07, 2024

Prince William 'risking' a 'controversial' statement over racism: Expert

Prince William is voicing his concerns over racism in UK

By Web Desk
June 25, 2022
Prince William risking a controversial statement over racism: Expert
Prince William 'risking' a 'controversial' statement over racism: Expert 

Prince William is praised for his brave speech on the Windrush scandal by royal critics.

The Duke of Cambridge, is ditching the royal rule of neutrality on politics to speak up against racism and experts believes he will go a long way.

True Royalty TV Newsweek, Royal Correspondent Jack Royston note: “We have seen [recently] a political side to him [Prince William], where he is taking risks and he is nailing his colours to the mast on issues we would not have expected.

“His recent speech on the Windrush scandal is a classic example of that.

“He has come out and said things I didn't expect him to say and entered terrain that is much less safe than where he has been operating recently... effectively, [he] criticised past government policy.

“When you take a risk and are a little controversial, you get a bigger reward, and it travels further.”

Meanwhile, Ingrid Seward, Editor in Chief of Majesty Magazine, also told the programme that the Duke is speaking out more now as he knows it is still likely to be a while until he is King.

She said: “I think he [Prince William] has found his voice, which has always been there.

“I think he feels now he has reached the age of 40 he can speak out and he really wants to.

“I think he feels he can as he is not King yet and presumably it will be a long time until he is, and the world could have changed completely again.

“I think he feels if he doesn't speak out now then he never will.”

Ms Seward also told The Royal Beat that the Duchess of Cambridge has a significant influence in shaping the Duke's role.

She said: “Catherine is the power behind William.

“Heads Together [the mental health initiative] was Catherine’s idea.