Friday July 05, 2024

Prince Charles's first move to take more charge after Prince Philip's death

Prince Charles will be taking Prince Philip's place at the House of Lords

By Web Desk
April 26, 2021

Prince Charles may be taking the first official step of taking more charge as he will reportedly take the late Prince Philip’s place for a ceremonial event in the House of Lords.

The move indicates that the Queen is looking to give Charles a bigger role now that the Duke of Edinburgh is no more.

A Lords source told The Sun: “It is a clear signal that the Queen does not want the crown to skip a generation and that Prince Charles will start taking on an even bigger role in royal life.”

Another source added: “There will be a visible show of support for the Queen from senior members of the family at future events, and the opening of Parliament is no exception.

“The Queen has been incredibly stoic throughout the last few weeks, but the family are determined to rally round and support her.

“Charles will be at the forefront of those efforts as heir.”