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John Abraham crowned PETA’s Person of the Year for raising voice on animal rights

PETA India Director issued a statement lauding John Abraham’s work

By Web Desk
December 03, 2020
John Abraham crowned PETA’s Person of the Year for raising voice on animal rights

Bollywood actor John Abraham was named People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) India’s Person of the Year for 2020.

The actor was given the honour after he sent a letter to e-retailer Quikr and requested them to bring their practice of trading live animals to a halt.

Abraham has previously also raised his voice over mistreatment of animals and has also joined hands with PETA India to take action against animal circuses, dancing monkeys on Mumbai’s streets and also the selling of birds trapped in cages.

PETA India Director of Celebrity and Public Relations Sachin Bangera issued a statement lauding Abraham’s work for animals.

"John Abraham has been helping PETA India advocate for animals since our inception, and he shows no signs of slowing down. If birds are suffering in cages, puppies are being cruelly sold, or animals are in danger anywhere in the world, we can count on him to come to the rescue,” he said.