Thursday March 13, 2025

Students council of Pakistan Embassy College Beijing sworn in

Ambassador Moin ul Haque advised the students to take responsibility and work hard on their talents and potentials in a bid to prepare them to contribute to the development of the country

October 10, 2020

BEIJING: The newly elected students’ council of the Pakistan Embassy College Beijing (PECB) took oath of their offices in an auspicious investiture ceremony held in the college gymnasium here on Friday.

Pakistan Ambassador to China, Moin ul Haque graced the occasion as the chief guest.

Principal, Shazia Amjad, staff and the students welcomed the guests. The ceremony started with recitation from the Holy Quran. The national anthem was played.

While addressing the audience, Ambassador Haque said that the extra curriculum activities were equally important to inculcate the leadership qualities among the students.

He advised the students to take responsibility and work hard on their talents and potentials in a bid to prepare them to contribute to the development of the country.

Ambassador Haque also appreciated the principal and the teaching staff for their hard work and efforts for organizing the investiture ceremony in a befitting manner.

The members of students’ council are elected through voting annually. Sikandar Khan, a student of A Level-II was elected as the Head Boy while Areeba Ali also a student of A Level-II was elected as the Head Girl.

Talha Bin Imran, student of A Level-II and Cindy Avom, student of IG-II were elected as Sports Captain Boys and Sports Captain Girls respectively.

Presidents of different clubs included Mohammad Hani Haseeb (Basketball Club), Saskia Shi (Board Games Club), Maha Jabbar (Community Service Club), Muhtasim Fuad, (Debating Club), Mukesh (Football Club) Shazday Zahra (Health Club), Mujtaba Imran (History Club), Emaan Asghar (Life Skills Club), Gule-Lala Faisal (Literary Club), Thembi (Performing Art Club) and Hamail Arshad (Science and IT Club).

Deputy Head Boy, Deputy Head Girl, Deputy Sports Captain and deputy vice presidents of different clubs were also made. Vice Principal Maqsood Sadiq administered oath to the newly elected council.

Ambassador Moin ul Haq, Deputy Head of Mission Ahmed Farooq and Defense Attaché Brig. Shahid Amir presented sashes to the members of the students’ council.

Senior officials, parents, teachers, and students of the college attended the auspicious event.