Renowned model Bella Hadid, who voiced her support for the Black Lives Matter movement on social media earlier after the killing of George Floyd, shared an emotional video of an African American girl.
Posting the TikTok video on Instagram, the 23-year-old model said, “I’m just going to leave this here. This video breaks my heart every time I watch it. You did such a great job baby girl.”
She went on to say, “I just want to hug her and tell her how proud I am of her. I wish she never ever had to feel this way. I wish no one ever had to feel this way. but that’s not the case. And it has to change #BlackLivesMatter She is Power to me.”
In the video, a girl can be heard saying: “I come here today to talk about how I feel. And I feel like that we are treated differently than other people and I don’t like how we’re treated in..just because of colour… doesn’t mean anything to me……I believe that (burst into tears)…we are black people and we shouldn’t have to feel like this. We shouldn’t have to protest because y’all are treating us wrong. We do this because we need to have rights.”
Earlier, Bella Hadid demanded that the police officer, who allegedly took the life of Floyd, be held accountable for the "disgusting" and "horrific" actions.
She further said, “I feel so sick, sad and sorry for George Floyd and his family.”
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