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State-run TV to air Turkish drama 'Ertugrul' in Urdu on prime minister's request

State-run TV to air Turkish drama 'Ertugrul' in Urdu on prime minister's request

By Web Desk
December 05, 2019

Pakistan Television will broadcast popular Turkish series “Resurrection: Ertugrul” dubbed in Urdu language on the request of the country’s prime minister, multiple sources reported on Thursday.

Citing a source from the state-run PTV, Arab News reported that the TV channel has started to cast Urdu voice-over artists after obtaining the broadcast rights of the drama from the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation (TRT).

“Glorifying Muslim Heroes and Islamic history, Prime Minister Imran Khan has directed PTV to air ‘Ertugrul’,” Tweeted Iftikhar Durrani, Special Assistant to Prime Minister of Pakistan on Media, while commenting on the report on Twitter.

The drama is immensely popular in the South Asian country and recently the premier had called on the youth to watch the Turkish drama to promote Islamic values.

Pakistan’s flamboyant cricketer Shahid Khan Afridi is also a huge fan of the Turkish series.

Afridi had expressed his love for the series in a tweet in March.

“Watching the Turkish series Diriliş: Ertuğrul I’m just overwhelmed by their achievements and victories that came as a result of their faith in ALLAH and the empire of justice which they were able to establish as a result of. May we be like that once again,” wrote Afiridi on Twitter.