KARACHI: Launching ceremony of 1500 Tons state of the art Maritime Patrol Vessel being built for Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), was held at Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KS&EW).
Vice Chief of the Naval Staff, Vice Admiral Kaleem Shaukat graced the occasion as Chief Guest.
The Maritime Patrol vessel is a multi-mission vessel with steel hull and aluminum super structure having length of 95 m & breadth of 12.2 m and can achieve maximum speed upto 26 knots.
The ship has been built in technical collaboration with China Shipbuilding & Trading Company (CSTC) and Huang Pu Shipyard, China. The ship is fully equipped to enforce maritime security, search and rescue missions in maritime exclusive economic zone of Pakistan.
Speaking on the occasion, the Chief Guest congratulated KS&EW, CSTC (China) and Huang Pu Shipyard, China on achieving this important milestone ahead of scheduled timeframe and said that it is yet another land mark project that speaks volumes of the evergreen friendship between China and Pakistan.
He added that responsibilities of Pakistan Navy and PMSA have increased manifolds after CPEC and extension in EEZ.
The launching ceremony was attended by high ranking officials from Government of Pakistan, Pakistan Navy, China Shipbuilding & Trading Company, Huang Pu Shipyard, China and KS&EW.
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