Wednesday October 09, 2024

India failed to link Kashmiris' struggle with terrorism as Masood Azhar added to UN terror list

The listing of Maulana Masood Azhar had been under consideration in the Sanctions Committee for several years, (since 2009). He has been proscribed under Pakistan's Anti-Terrorism Act for some time, even before his case for listing was taken up by the Sanctions Committee.

By Web Desk
May 01, 2019

ISLAMABAD: The UNSC 1267 Committee listed Maulana Masood Azhar to UN terror list on Wednesday. This entails a ban on foreign travel, asset freeze and arms embargo.

The listing of Maulana Masood Azhar had been under consideration in the Sanctions Committee for several years, (since 2009). He has been proscribed under Pakistan's Anti-Terrorism Act for some time, even before his case for listing was taken up by the Sanctions Committee.

The UNSC 1267 Sanctions Committee listing is governed by clear rules and is based on strict technical criteria. All decisions of the Committee are taken through consensus. The Committee procedures allow members to place technical holds to provide additional time for further discussions to reach a common understanding on matters under its consideration. Many members have placed technical holds on various listing proposals

Pakistan has always advocated the need for respecting these technical rules and regulations and has opposed the politicization of the Sanctions Committee.

However, the earlier proposals to list Masood Azhar failed to generate the requisite consensus in the Sanctions Committee as the information did not meet its technical criteria. These proposals were aimed at maligning Pakistan and the legitimate struggle of the people of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmiri for the realization of the right to self-determination and were thus rejected by Pakistan, which has always maintained that resolution of any listing issue should be by consensus, through objective dialogue and consultations, within the 1267 Committee framework and most importantly without politicization.

Over the last few years, many states, including Pakistan have been concerned at an increasing trend of politicization of this Committee, including attempts to include matters that are unrelated to the technical criteria.

In this case as well, it was witnessed that politically motivated attempts manifested through calculated leaks, particularly in the Indian media, about matters under discussion in the Committee, which are strictly confidential. The current listing proposal has been agreed after all political references, including removal of attempts to link it with Pulwama and maligning the legitimate struggle of the Kashmiris in IOK for realization of the right to self-determination.

Pakistan maintains that terrorism is a menace to the world. This includes the Indian state sponsored terrorism against innocent Kashmiris in IOK, including the inhuman use of pellet guns and human shields which finds no parallel in the civilized world. Indian occupation forces continue to massacre Kashmiris enjoying judicial immunity with impunity through draconian laws.

However, Pakistan has pledged to continue to provide diplomatic, political and moral support to its Kashmiri brethren.

The Indian media's attempts to build a narrative claiming it as a ‘victory’ for India and validation of its stance are thus absolutely false and baseless.

Pakistan’s position is in line with the statements of Prime Minister Imran Khan, who clearly stated that there is no space for any proscribed organization or its affiliates to operate from Pakistani territory, its resolve for countering terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and its National Action Plan.