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Ali Zafar breaks down in tears, claims innocence in TV interview

Speaking on Geo News’ programme Naya Pakistan about Meesha Shafi, Ali Zafar losing control over his emotions stated: “I have stayed silent for a year on the topic, whenever an allegation like this is placed on any man or woman, it completely destroys them.”

By Web Desk
April 28, 2019

Ali Zafar, speaking about the sexual harassment allegations placed against him, broke into tears on Sunday telling Meesha Shafi, if she takes one step forward in ending the fiasco, he will take ten.

Speaking on Geo News’ programme ‘Naya Pakistan’, the singer losing control over his emotions stated: “I have stayed silent for a year on the topic, whenever an allegation like this is placed on any man or woman, it completely destroys them.”

Asked why, Shafi, who already possessed a prominent stature in the entertainment industry, would falsely accuse him merely for fame, Zafar stated: “I don’t know why she is doing this, you should ask her. She should come to the court and reveal what her intention was.”

Zafar had filed the defamation suit last year against Shafi, who had accused him of sexual harassment. The suit, claiming damages of Rs1 billion, was filed under the Defamation Ordinance 2002. In the notice, the singer claimed Shafi damaged his reputation through false allegations of sexual harassment.

In a hard-hitting interview, the singer maintained that he was targeted on social media through fake accounts but never responded to such campaigns. They wanted to crush me completely, he said.

‘I have been getting threats from fake Instagram profiles.’

Recalling the day when they both performed together on stage, Zafar said: “She had been performing with me on the stage, if she was harassed, why did she message me after that saying ‘Had a great time jamming and performing. Grateful for the kind word Ali has to say on stage.’ Would a woman who has just gotten harassed say that to her harasser?”

When questioned about the other women who came out accusing Zafar of harassment, he said every case has to be discussed individually.

Furthermore, he protested that a harsh and derogatory language was getting used against him on social media by Meesha’s lawyer Nighat Dad: “The language used by her lawyer for me is that the language used by a lawyer? She claims to be a human rights activist but does anyone use this kind of a language against someone’s family?”

Sending a message to Meesha on-air, Zafar went on to state: “We both know each other since long, my kids have played with yours. I still urge you to block out all voices and just isolate yourself and connect to God and end this. If you put one foot forward I will come ten steps forward.”

When Zafar made a statement that he has been exonerated by the court of law and should be seen as innocent, the anchor reminded him that the case was dismissed purely on jurisdiction basis and that the merits of the allegations have not been discussed as yet.

Concluding the interview, the Teefa in Trouble actor said: “I don’t want the defamation money and even if I get the money I will make sure to spend it on issues faced by women.”

'I will see through it'

Jumping to her husband’s defence, Ayesha Fazli also posted on social media that the criminal cruelty the family faced cannot be described in words. “The cyber bullying & betrayal by friend(s) has been a big eye opener. Even if Ali lets it go, I will see through it. #FaceTheCourtMeeshaShafi,” she tweeted.

Meesha's lawyer

Meesha Shafi 'will go once court will direct her to' appear, lawyer Nighat Dad said. On Friday, women's rights lawyer Nighat Dad explained that singer Meesha Shafi "has not been called by the court as of yet" but "will go once court will direct her to" appear.

Dad was speaking on Geo News programme Naya Pakistan in response to singer Ali Zafar's comments outside a sessions court in Lahore earlier when he claimed that he was being targeted through an organised plan for personal gains.

Dad denied the allegations and said that the campaign, instead, was under the hashtag "#FaceTheCourtMeeshaShafi". When TV show host Shahzad Iqbal asked the lawyer about why she follows what he claimed were suspicious accounts, Dad said: "I follow any account that supports Meesha Shafi and her cause. I retweet tweets posted in favour of Meesha Shafi and her cause." However, "if Ali Zafar believes that an account is fake, he can go ahead and lodge a complaint," she added.