Friday March 07, 2025

Exploring a mystical world in Muneeb Ali’s calligraphic masterpieces

The art of calligraphy also evolved with time depending upon geometry, principal of harmony and particularly how everything has been balanced. And hence the art of writing beautifully, with immaculate perfection defines the art of calligraphy.

By Nadeem Zuberi
February 21, 2019

From sounds to drawings, then to signs and symbols, the advent of language and art was simultaneous. Language and communication allowed the abstractions of our mind to become tangible and understood by others. Language is therefore inherently transcendental, serving as a medium between the observed and imagined, the Divine and the profane.

The art of calligraphy also evolved with time depending upon geometry, principal of harmony and particularly how everything has been balanced. And hence the art of writing beautifully, with immaculate perfection defines the art of calligraphy.

There are hundreds of distinct styles of calligraphy. Every artist and calligrapher chose the particular ‘khat’ to use in calligraphy according to their interest of handling that particular style. Same was the case with artist Muneeb Ali who has chosen to create calligraphy that undeniably was governed by the principles of balance and proportion, rhythm and unity.

In a solo calligraphy exhibition titled “Huroof” at Mainframe Gallery, Karachi different styles of calligraphy, apart from their aesthetic and artistic features, have a hidden symbolic meaning. The stylised Islamic calligraphy has magnificent symbolic functions while having aesthetic quality and an art of shapes and enhancement.

Historically, the art of Islamic calligraphy contributed toward the beautification of Qur’anic verses and particularly the various names of Allah. Muneeb also followed this historic rule. The luminous, beautifully designed calligraphy showed the fusion of artist’s personality in his calligraphy artworks which satisfy his creative endeavour.

With a strong aesthetic appeal, brilliant use of colours and superb balance between design and form, his art of calligraphy created an immediate visual impact. He combined illumination like using gold or silver colour and geometrical designs with the calligraphy words.

The Islamic calligraphy is our religious as well as cultural heritage and the art of calligraphy also gives a message of peace, love and reverence. Keeping that in mind Muneeb tried to create unique works of calligraphy in his own aspect.

The holy words in green, blue, red, yellow, orange, white, black, gold and silver colours shine and gave the impression of a glow when light disperses from them giving the effect of light was emitting from the words creating a unique look thus a mystical experience for the viewers.

Recent works in calligraphy appears in square and oval shapes. The same arcs and loops, ovals and circles, vertical and horizontal lines are used as designs world over. The basic geometrical forms remain the same in all works of artists. Here Muneeb has chosen the most appropriate form he liked to use in his calligraphy works.

He created designs by inserted and interwoven words of the Holy Qur’an. The beauty of the styles was brought out as each style was discernable and pleasing to look at.

While transcribing the Holy Qura’n in his calligraphic artworks he used various scripts in his own manner with bright colours but in some what complex and difficult style. His detailed works created an aura of sanctity.

Each calligraphy work of Muneeb Ali has a striking feature like a circular pattern or a focal point from where every word seemed to emerge. The idea behind “Huroof” was to capture the beauty created by the embrace of art with letters and to preserve it.