Tuesday October 22, 2024

Indian boy claims to illuminate LED bulbs through his bare skin

By Web Desk
April 10, 2018

An Indian boy is making headlines after a video of him circulating claimed that he can light up electric bulbs merely by touching them.

The nine years old boy, named Abu Tahir hailing from the southern state of Kerala can be seen in the viral video demonstrating how he can illuminate LED bulbs with the help of his bare hands and feet.

Abu Tahir has revealed that his father, an electrician by profession, had brought home a bulb and that was when he discovered his hidden capability of lightening up a bulb through the help of his bare skin.

While the boy’s family has claimed that his unique skill is “genuine” reports have also revealed that since the boy’s entire body cannot be seen in the footage, there is a possibility that the boy’s body acts as a conductor with the electricity entering his body through one of his limbs.

The previous reports of ‘human light bulbs’ have claimed that individuals with a lack of sweat glands can have an effect on capability to resist shock. However, this has not been confirmed.

This behavior has been documented in the past as well by several people; however a medical or scientific explanation to it has not been found.