DAVOS: Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and global education advocate, Malala Yousafzai has said that her aim was to empower women and for this she was endeavoring for girls’ education.
Malala sat next to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in a panel discussion encircling empowerment for girls through education, at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.
The Nobel laureate, Malala Yousafzai in her opening oration identified the various barriers that stand in the way of girls around the world, stopping them from their due education. She recognized those barriers as child marriages, poverty, lack of transport or even an insufficiency of operational schools in the area.
The 20-year-old education activist and honorary Canadian citizen, addressed to Trudeau and plead to make girls’ education a focal point of the G7 leader’s Summit that is to be held in June in Quebec, Canada.
She demonstrated how with the help of the Malala Foundation she was in contact with advocates of education around the world in countries like Latin America, Nigeria, India and Pakistan.
According to her these supporters have helped build up the foundation through a range of ways including teacher training, e-learning and the enormous effort of empowering women who she believes will rule the future times to come.
Yousafzai also mentioned that a major part in removing the barriers from a women’s life to education, lies within the hands of governments of the countries, who must prioritize this key concern and take action.
She expressed her gratitude to the Canadian Prime Minister and stated that she will be looking forward to Trudeau’s support for her organization.
During the discussion, Trudeau announced to double the support for the Global Partnership for Education fund with $180 million in the years 2018-2020. He stated that this financial support would act as a means to reinforce education in developing countries and will be a backbone in the cause for girl’s education.
Sharing the panel with Pakistan’s young activist for female education, Trudeau especially stressed on Canada’s role in making sure young women around the world get the education that they rightfully deserve.
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