Saturday September 21, 2024

Pakistan wants Muslim countries to stand united against terrorism

By Web Desk
April 04, 2017

ISLAMABAD: Foreign Secretary Tehmina Janjua has said that Pakistan wants Muslim countries to stand united against terrorism.

She was speaking at the meeting of the National Assembly Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, which met in Islamabad on Tuesday with Awais Ahmad Leghari in the chair.

The Foreign Secretary said Islamic military alliance is against terrorism not any country. Referring to ex-Army Chief's joining the alliance, she said that any retired military officer is free to accept any job.

Tehmina Janjua ruled out any change in Pakistan's policy regarding Iran, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. She said Pakistan is trying to reduce tension between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Tehmina Janjua said Pakistan and Iran enjoy cordial and brotherly relations and have no border dispute between them.

She said trade with Iran will touch new heights after easing of international sanctions from Iran.