Wednesday June 26, 2024

Racial abuse: Pakistani man subjected to acid attack in London

By Web Desk
November 17, 2016

LONDON: A British-Pakistani man was attacked by a gang of white supremacists, who subjected him to an acid attack, on Thursday.

According to details, fourteen white supremacists subjected a Pakistani pizza shop owner named Imran to an acid attack in East London's Barking area. The gang of fourteen men threw acid on Imran's face, subjecting him to facial injuries.

British police have already initiated an investigation into the hate crime incident.

Ever since American President-elect Donald Trump's election triumph over rival Hillary Clinton, hate crimes against Muslims have surged in the United States. The target of these vicious and violent attacks are immigrants and Muslims. 

Trump, a Republican candidate who became Obama's successor to the White House after beating Hillary Clinton in the US Presidential elections 2016, called for a temporary ban on all Muslims from entering the United States, in the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. 

It is not clear whether this attack was also inspired by Donald Trump's recent victory in the elections.