In some exciting news for WhatsApp users, the app is testing a new feature in its latest beta update which is available for users of the app's beta version available on the Google Play Beta Program.
Meta's instant messaging app's new feature enables users to tag contacts using a button within the caption bar. Once mentioned, the contact will receive a notification in their chat, alerting them about being tagged in a status update.
According to the WABetaInfo, this notification is private, ensuring that only the mentioned contact is aware of the tag.
Other viewers of the status update will not be able to see who has been mentioned in the status update, WABetaInfo reported.
Additionally, it is important to note that mentioned contacts will always receive the status update regardless of the sender's privacy settings.
Even if the mentioned contact is excluded from viewing other status updates due to specific privacy configurations, they will still be able to view the status update in which they were mentioned so that they never miss out on any important updates they are mentioned in.
It's worth noting that mentioned contacts can also reshare the status update with their own audience through a new reshare button within the status screen.
However, in this case, the identity of the original creator remains private and viewers of the reshared status will not be able to directly reach out to the original creator.
WhatsApp's new feature is currently available to some beta testers who install the latest updates of WhatsApp beta for Android from the Google Play Store, and it will be rolled out to even more people over the coming weeks.
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