Pakistani actor Zara Noor Abbas, who recently gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, shared a sentimental note on Instagram for her daughter, Noor-e-Jahan, pouring her heart out as the Standup Girl star embraces these new feelings of motherhood.
Being a mother is a special and emotional experience for every woman, and it was no different for the actor, who went through a long and difficult journey of maternity, including the loss of a child and subsequent depression, before finally conceiving again.
In her latest post, Zara penned what parents feel in the heart of their hearts when their child falls ill.
"This is for her sick days. When she is not feeling well. And the late nights and early mornings. The moments where I lose sensibility of everything else around me and only SHE matters," she wrote.
Zara shared that she used to believe this sense of 'insecurity' was something she only felt when her parents were unwell and that she would never feel it for anyone else. However, this new sentiment has simply overwhelmed her, according to her Instagram note.
"But this is something more than that. This is crazier. Beyond all possibilities," she elaborated on her experience of feeling a mother's love.
"You teach me resilience, perseverance, courage and strength to do it all. Thank you for choosing me. I love you NooreJahan. I want to and will do anything for you. InshAllah - always and forever," the film actor wrote in the post.
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Above the note, Zara also shared pictures of herself with her daughter, making sure the little angel's face remains hidden.
The Parey Hut Love actor is the wife of drama actor Asad Siddiqui. The couple tied the knot in 2017, and it was the second marriage for both of them. It may be noted that Noor-e-Jahan is their second child as Zara had a stillbirth with her first pregnancy.
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