Thursday June 27, 2024

Prince William's unusual PDA begins new debate

The Prince of Wales displayed a 'warm' relationship with his stepmother, Queen Camilla

By Web Desk
June 20, 2024
This unusual PDA portrayed the Royal Family in a new light

Prince William and Prince Harry show public affection in different ways, according to a body language expert speaking to the Mirror. 

At Royal Ascot on Wednesday, the Prince of Wales attended alongside close relatives and displayed a 'warm' relationship with his stepmother, Queen Camilla, bonded with his cousin Zara Tindall, and amused Princesses Eugenie and Beatrice with his playful antics.

This unusual PDA portrayed the Royal Family in a new light, as they are typically known for their formal body language and avoiding public displays of affection.

Judi James, a body language expert, noted the difference in PDA between William and Harry. William appeared relaxed and touchy-feely only around his extended family, while Harry has always been more openly affectionate with his wife, Meghan Markle, and even with strangers.

Prince Williams unusual PDA begins new debate

Judi explained: "These rituals have nothing to do with any mirroring of Harry and Meghan's brand of tactile body language.

"Theirs is only shown between each other or to register support for strangers on their 'royal' visits. William's rituals here are for extended family, which is a different level of bonding altogether."

Judi noted that the royal cousins packed on the PDA at Ascot following a difficult few months for William, with his wife Princess Kate and father King Charles both being diagnosed with cancer. She said the illnesses seem to have "produced a desire to not just reconvene, but to reaffirm those bonds publicly".

She explained: "They are congruent and authentic bonding rituals, too, not the kind of show-pony behaviours we get treated to when warring royals are told to play together nicely. These look like an authentic coming together and rounding up of the wagons in the face of recent anxieties."

It comes as the Queen's youngest son Prince Edward and wife Sophie gave their take on Harry's bomshell Oprah Winfrey interview. The Hindustan Times reports that when Prince Edward was asked what he thought of it, he replied: "Oprah, who?" His wife laughed: "What interview?"

This is not a first for Harry, who has previously opened up about how he faced the wrath of friends and family after talking to Oprah. He revealed in his memoir Spare that his favourite former nanny Tiggy Pettifer even grilled him over the TV show. 

He wrote: "I told them that I failed to see how speaking to Oprah was any different from what my family and their staffs, had done for decades - briefing the press on the sly, planting stories."

He added: "Several close mates and beloved figures in my life, including one of Hugh and Emilie's sons, Emilie herself, and even Tiggy, had chastised me for Oprah, How could you reveal such things? About your family?" Harry said he reckoned it was no different from his father's authorised biography written by journalist Jonathan Dimbleby in 1994.