Saturday September 28, 2024

Adele tells disrespectful heckler to ‘shut up’ during Las Vegas show

Adele paused her speech to shut down a disrespectful audience member disrupting her show

By Web Desk
June 02, 2024
Adele has stood up for her fans belonging from marginalised groups over the years

Adele didn’t put up with an audience member’s disrespectful remarks about the LGBTQ+ community during her Las Vegas Residency Show at Caesars Palace over the weekend.

The 36-year-old English singer-songwriter was quick to put the heckler in their place when they shouted out, “Pride sucks.”

Furious, Adele snapped back, “Did you come to my f***ing show and just say that Pride sucks? Are you f***ing stupid? Don’t be so f***ing ridiculous.”

Without a beat, she added, “If you have nothing nice to say, shut up, all right?”

The audience cheered as Adele continued to show support for her LGBTQ+ audience members present that evening, as well as those at home, whom she has furiously stood up for on multiple occasions.

Just last year during her residency, she sported a black gown with a rainbow flag train during pride month in June.

Touched by her fans’ response, the Hello hitmaker previously told Out magazine,“I get a lot of mail from people who tell me that I make them really happy to be themselves, and really comfortable with who they are, which I love.”