Friday October 18, 2024

Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez put on people pleasing display amid marital woes

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez try to handle the situation hand in hand

By Web Desk
May 19, 2024
Ben Affleck, Jennifer Lopez put on people pleasing display amid marital woes

Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez reunited publicly for the first time in 47 days, amidst divorce rumours, displaying a friendly but not overly affectionate demeanour, according to a body language expert.

The couple attended a school play featuring Ben's son, sparking curiosity about their relationship's status.

Expert Judi James noted their dynamic has been "notoriously uneasy" in the past.

"Even during the ‘idyllic’ phase of marriage, it’s often been Jennifer gazing adoringly at her husband and using well-choreographed touch rituals and PDAs while Ben has frequently refused to play ball for the benefit of the cameras, citing his well-known aversion to show-pony press calls."

James continued: "Ben has previously been seen looking frustrated and angry but usually apparently at what he seems to see as camera intrusion rather than his wife. With all the fresh rumours he looks unwilling to provide the fans with any gestures of reassurance or denial via any loving looks or cuddles."

The expert observed that the Hypnotic star and On the Floor crooner's body language seemed platonic, resembling friends or acquaintances rather than a romantic couple.

The Marry Me star's use of "barrier props" like flowers and her bag made physical affection impossible, reinforcing this impression.

"There’s no apparent sign in these pics of any attempt to perform the kind of virtual or truncated hug or affection rituals as an intention gesture here though, like bending over the props to kiss on the lips or Ben using his free hand to touch or caress his wife to show he is pleased to see her."