Friday October 18, 2024

Prince Harry widens divide with 'wounded' William over 'victim mentality'

Prince Harry and Prince William continue to feud despite King Charles' health struggles

By Web Desk
March 01, 2024
‘Wounded’ Prince William still sour from Prince Harry’s ‘victim mentality’
‘Wounded’ Prince William still sour from Prince Harry’s ‘victim mentality’

Prince William is done and over with Prince Harry while he still appears to harbour grudges.

Though the Prince of Wales is still “wounded” by his younger brother’s actions over the last few years, he is determined to move on to bigger and better things without Harry in his life.

However, the Duke of Sussex is still holding out hope of apology from the royal family for their alleged unfair treatment of him and Meghan Markle during their time in the Firm.

Speaking to OK! former BBC royal correspondent shared, "Harry still believes that he is the victim in this feud, and that if anyone should apologise, it should be his family and not him. But he now realises that an apology is not going to come and (like the rest of his family) he is moving on."

"The difference perhaps is that while William sees 'moving on' as getting on with life without Harry, his brother seems to think that moving on means putting all that has been said and done behind them and getting back to normal relations with his family.

"But life is not so simple. You can’t blurt it all out to your therapist, then say it all publicly and feel you have dealt with it and everyone can move on. Words hurt. Actions can be wounding. Not everyone can just forgive and forget,” the royal expert added.