The Impossible Heir is an upcoming Korean Drama series that is set to release in February 2024, starring Lee Jae Wook, Lee Jun Young, Hong Suzu, and Lee Ji Hoon.
With its latest poster and teaser, the upcoming K-Drama has garnered hype from fans worldwide.
The story revolves around an illegitimate son of a Korean couple, aiming to destroy anything that comes in the way.
He is set to take revenge from all the people that have acted as obstacles in his way.
Disney+ officially dropped the teaser and poster of the upcoming series.
The teaser showcases Lee Jun Young as the lead, teaming up with his friend, Lee Jae Wook to take everything down in the name of revenge.
The poster that explicitly featured art, including drama and revenge, read: "I want to get it, I want to become, I want to steal,” captioning the Instagram post as: “Son of a Murderer + Loner of a Rich Man+ Daughter of a Coward.”
On the poster it was revealed that it will be released on February, 28 on Disney+.
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