Monday September 09, 2024

Laura Dern addresses climate crisis at EMA Awards Gala

Laura Dern gives powerful speech about impacts of climate change on the United States

By Web Desk
January 30, 2024
Laura Dern shares her views on taking care of mother Earth at EMA Awards Gala
Laura Dern shares her views on taking care of 'mother Earth' at EMA Awards Gala

Laura Dern aims to take care of “mother Earth” after she was honoured at the 2023 Environmental Media Association (EMA) Awards Gala presented by Toyota at Sunset Las Palmas Studios over the weekend.

Dern told Variety, “It means a great deal to be part of a community whose entire goal is about taking care of mother Earth and to learn from all the amazing, wise guides that are here tonight and in the environmental world.”

The actress and activist stated, “At the end of the day, my favourite thing about the work is as much advancement as there is, the true answer is about leaving our soil and our oceans alone.”

“They have the answers to save us, but we have to fight as consumers to make sure that happens,” she remarked.

During her acceptance speech, Dern, who received the EMA Ongoing Commitment Award, talked about the impacts of climate change and shared how to reach people living in red states.

“These people, our fellow Americans, are actively resisting the work we’re asking them to do — work that will save their farms and rivers and towns. I propose it’s because they’ve been told we’re crazy. The news they watch has convinced them that we love open borders, caravans of criminals, smash and grab, cancel culture and late-term abortions on demand,” she said.

Dern explained, “They also think we’re elitist, and it’s not hard to see why. Go on Twitter some time. Notice how often the people you follow talk about how dumb MAGA is. That may feel satisfying in the moment for some, but it is not an effective way to persuade people.”

She added, “Let’s consider talking less perhaps about climate change — which I think scares the hell out of people — and talk more about climate rescue, a vision of our future that offers a plan.”