Tuesday January 07, 2025

Health Tips: A guide for serial sitters on how not to die early?

People doing long hours on work stations can face serious health risks, as per experts

By Web Desk
January 20, 2024
A group of people sitting at their workplaces. — Freepik
A group of people sitting at their workplaces. — Freepik

Sitting continuously at a chair in front of your station at your workplace can cause serious health problems for people, following are some ways to prevent these effects.

Reduce the overall amount of time you spend sitting at work. If you work in an office, you can pace the space a few times every hour or even go for a walk outside or around the building while on the phone. 

(Just let your colleagues know why you're doing this!) You can skip sitting at your desk all together by using a standing desk or, if your workplace permits it, a treadmill workstation, according to Yahoo.

Recalling to take your daily multivitamin can be challenging. Interestingly, though, it might be the very thing that enhances your memory. 

The COcoa Supplement and Multivitamin Outcomes Study (COSMOS), a recent 5,000-person study, supported earlier research showing that taking a multivitamin can help shield your brain against the memory loss that occurs with ageing. 

The results of the study showed that taking this supplement postponed brain ageing by around two years.

Although bone loss is a natural aspect of ageing, we may prevent it. A recent study from the University of Jyväskylä in Finland suggests that engaging in regular medium- to high-intensity physical activity is one approach to achieve this. 

Physically inactive seniors between the ages of 70 and 85 were given a year-long fitness programme as part of the research.

“It is possible to incorporate more high-intensity activity into your everyday life in small bouts, such as brisk walks and stair climbing,” researcher Tuuli Suominen wrote in the study. “Jumping-like impacts can also be achieved without the actual jumping by first raising up on your tiptoes and then dropping down onto your heels.”