Sunday September 22, 2024

Australia's first uterus transplant recipient welcomes healthy baby boy

Kirsty's journey to motherhood with her second child, Henry, began with a groundbreaking 16-hour surgery in January

By Web Desk
December 19, 2023
After falling pregnant, Kirsty Bryant shared her positive pregnancy test with her young daughter Violet. — ABC
After falling pregnant, Kirsty Bryant shared her positive pregnancy test with her young daughter Violet. — ABC 

Kirsty Bryant, a resilient mother from the NSW Mid North Coast, has made history as the first woman in Australia to give birth to a baby following a transplanted uterus. 

Baby Henry Bryant made his entrance into the world through a caesarean section at the Royal Hospital for Women in Sydney on December 15, weighing a robust 2.9 kilograms.

Kirsty's journey to motherhood with her second child, Henry, began with a groundbreaking 16-hour surgery in January. Her own mother, Michelle, generously donated her uterus as part of a pioneering research trial. Against the odds, Kirsty was surprised and elated to discover her pregnancy just three months after the transplant procedure, with the embryo growing in the same womb where she had developed.

The skilled hands of Doctor Rebecca Deans and Swedish surgeon Mats Brännström orchestrated the initial uterine transplant and continued their unwavering support until Henry's safe arrival. Dr Deans expressed immense pride in witnessing this medical breakthrough after 25 years of collaborative research, labeling the birth as a remarkable achievement.

"This trial is the culmination of 25 years of collaborative research and persistence on a global scale so to be able to see a baby born here in Australia is incredible. This is certainly a career highlight for me and to see this medical breakthrough creating a new life is quite extraordinary," said Dr. Deans.

For Kirsty Bryant, this moment marks the culmination of a whirlwind year, starting with an emergency hysterectomy in 2021 following complications after the birth of her first child, Violet.

Expressing her gratitude, Kirsty mentioned, "It's been a whirlwind year and to have Henry here safely is beyond anything I thought possible. I'm so grateful to all the medical team who helped get us here."

Professor Brännström, renowned for performing the world's first successful uterus transplantation in Sweden resulting in a live birth, returned to Australia to witness the joyous arrival of baby Henry.

Uterine transplants offer hope for women unable to conceive due to various reasons such as being born without a uterus or having it removed surgically due to cancer or childbirth complications. The Royal Hospital for Women emphasized that these transplants can last up to five years, providing a window for women to conceive and have children.

With approval to conduct six uterine transplant surgeries as part of a clinical trial expected to span the next three years, the hospital has witnessed two more successful procedures since Kirsty's groundbreaking surgery. Encouragingly, one of these women is now pregnant, signaling hope for more families longing for the joys of parenthood.