Monday September 16, 2024

Travelling alone? Here's how girls can lie their way out of unsolicited advances

American solo female traveller's lies are for women to keep themselves safe from men's advances during travelling

By Web Desk
November 01, 2023
Screengrab from the American solo female travellers video. — Social media @monicaroams
Screengrab from the American solo female traveller's video. — Social media @monicaroams

The three lies one American travel influencer believes other women should also be telling in order to survive as a solitary female backpacker have been made public and keep oneself safe.

Being a woman travelling alone is frequently a frightening experience, and you may need to carefully consider how to keep yourself safe.

More than 376,000 individuals have viewed and 4,000 more have saved the TikTok created by @monicaroams.

The influencer explained, "You should never lie, but as a solo female traveller you kind of have to. It's actually crazy how often I have to use these lies, so these will help."

Always say you have a boyfriend... no matter what

Monica's first piece of advice is to pretend to have a partner even if you don't.

She explained, "Number one, if people ask whether you have a boyfriend, you do, no matter what. Unless it's someone that you're actually interested in."

"If you're lesbian, literally say that you have a boyfriend too, because I feel like men will always think that being a lesbian is like hot so that will just make them more attracted to you."

"So no matter what, just say that you've got a boyfriend or a husband, even better."

She added, "Let's be real, they're usually old men that are asking you this question, just seeing if you're single so they can probably hit on you."

"I've made the mistake of being truthful and saying no I don't have a boyfriend, but then it makes the interaction so much more creepy because now they're trying to get with me."

"This also works if someone asks for your number and you don't wanna give it to them, just be like I have a boyfriend."

Always say your friend is waiting for you...

She then goes on to say that if you're alone, you should always lie.

"If anybody ever asks if you are alone, you're never alone baby, even if you are alone."

"You never know what their plan is or who they are so it's just best not to give information like that to random people."

"Random older men have asked me this question while I'm just sitting and eating by myself. I'm like oh no, my friends at the hostel, she's just waiting for me."

"No matter what, you've got a friend somewhere, okay?"

And... you DON'T know where you're staying

Lastly, the tourist adds you should never reveal where you are staying, even if it's not credible.

"Never tell anybody where you're staying," she said, adding that most of the time they'll say something like, "Oh my gosh, are you travelling alone?" Say something like, "Oh my god, where are you staying?"

"I get it's part of conversation but also you don't know what their intentions are, so you gotta just stay low-key and not give out too much information."

"So, especially when I'm feeling a weird vibe and it's someone that I don't want to be talking to me, I'm like oh I forgot, I don't know where my hostel is, it's probably that way."