Friday June 28, 2024

Saudi Arabia slams Israel's call for Palestinians to leave Gaza

Saudi Arabia urged the international community to intervene swiftly to prevent further military escalation against civilians in Gaza

By Web Desk
October 14, 2023
Palestinians with their belongings flee to safer areas in Gaza City after Israeli air strikes, on October 13. AFP/File
Palestinians with their belongings flee to safer areas in Gaza City after Israeli air strikes, on October 13. AFP/File 

Saudi Arabia has strongly condemned Israel's call for Palestinians to evacuate Gaza and expressed its deep concern over the continuous targeting of "defenceless civilians" in the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

In a statement released by the Saudi Foreign Ministry, the kingdom categorically rejected any forced displacement of the Palestinian people from Gaza and called for an end to the Israeli siege on the territory. 

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia affirms its categorical rejection of calls for the forced displacement of the Palestinian people from Gaza, and its condemnation of the continued targeting of defenseless civilians there,” the Foreign Ministry of Saudi Arabia stated.

They also urged the evacuation of injured civilians and emphasised the importance of advancing the peace process according to UN Security Council resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative.

The international community was called upon to intervene swiftly to prevent further military escalation against civilians and avoid a humanitarian catastrophe. The statement highlighted that the deprivation of basic necessities for a decent life violated international humanitarian law and could worsen the crisis and suffering in the region.

On Friday, the Israeli military announced a transition from aerial campaigns to ground operations in the Gaza Strip. Ground forces, accompanied by tanks, were deployed with the primary aim of targeting Palestinian rocket crews and gathering vital intelligence about hostages held by Hamas.

Hamas, which governs Gaza, remained determined to resist. The warning from Israel prompted thousands of Palestinians to flee southward to ensure their safety.

The call for evacuation followed Hamas militants' breach of the heavily fortified border around the Gaza Strip, resulting in over 1,300 casualties, primarily among civilians. The severity of the attack has been likened to the 9/11 tragedy in the United States.

The conflict has taken a significant toll on civilians, with nearly 1,800 Gazans killed, the majority being civilians, including over 580 children. The situation has raised international concerns, with calls for a halt to the violence and the protection of innocent lives.