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Christian Bale recalls his dull performance to Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight

Christian Bale shares his thoughts about late actor’s incredible Joker performance in the trilogy

By Web Desk
October 11, 2023
Christian Bale recalls his dull performance to Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight
Christian Bale recalls his dull performance to Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight

Christian Bale has recently recalled his uninspiring performance next to late Heath Ledger’s Joker in The Dark Knight.

Speaking to Yahoo Movies, Bale revealed he was not happy with his performance in Christopher Nolan directed movie.

Although Bale was appreciated for his Batman depiction in the trilogy, the actor himself wasn’t convinced when he saw the Ledger’s exceptional portrayal of Joker character.

“I didn’t quite manage what I hoped I would throughout the trilogy,” said Bale.

The actor told the outlet that it was Ledger amazing performance that surpassed his acting.

Reflecting on Joker role, Bale pointed out, “Heath turned up, and just kind of completely ruined all my plans.”

It was the same role that earned the late actor an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor for Joker depiction.

While talking about comeback to upcoming Batman movie, Bale clarified, “I will return only if Nolan helms the project.”

For the unversed, Nolan had directed The Dark Knight trilogy from 2005 to 2012.

After making three movies together, Bale and Nolan have reportedly inked a pact that they would more Batman movie only if both of them are part of it.