MotoGP apologised to Indian fans on Friday, on its live feed of a practise session for showing a map of India without Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), which is also a contested land claimed by Pakistan.
India's territorial integrity is a touchstone issue for the ruling Hindu national Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and its supporters.
New Delhi controls most of the Muslim-majority IIOJK, but it is divided between India and Pakistan, with both countries claiming it in full and fighting two wars over the Himalayan territory.
The premier global motorbike competition is holding its first-ever race in India to tap into a growing two-wheeler market in the world´s most populous nation and fifth-biggest economy.
Angry fans took to social media and demanded redress when MotoGP showed a map of India without any part of the Jammu and IIOJK region on their live feed.
MotoGP soon posted an apology on social media.
"We'd like to apologise to our fans in India for the map shown earlier as part of the MotoGP broadcast," the statement read.
"It is never our intent to make any statement other than that of support and appreciation for our host country," it added.
Maps can be a sensitive issue in India — New Delhi's own depictions incorporate the whole IIOJK, including the Pakistani side.
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