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Jimmy Fallon show’ staffers expose host’s volatile temper, labelled ‘workplace as toxic’

Jimmy Fallon’s staffers accused him for being temperamental

By Web Desk
September 08, 2023
Jimmy Fallon show’ staffers expose host’s volatile temper, labelled ‘workplace as toxic’
Jimmy Fallon show’ staffers expose host’s volatile temper, labelled ‘workplace as toxic’ 

Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show has been accused by 16 of his staffers – two current and 14 former – for making workplace toxic and unhealthy.

The staffers talked to Rolling Stone for a segment Rolling Stone exposé in which they claimed that it’s common knowledge for every person on set at the Tonight Show workplace that the host has “good Jimmy days” and “bad Jimmy days.”

About bad Jimmy days, the workers said to have witnessed host’s volatile nature and unpredictable behaviour including temperamental issues.

Staff members also said that star host did “snap at crew members, express irritation over the smallest of things, and berate and belittle staffers out of frustration,” several times in front of other colleagues or crew members.

“It was like, if Jimmy is in a bad mood, everyone's day is f**ked,” one former employee claims in the piece.

“People wouldn’t joke around in the office, and they wouldn’t stand around and talk to each other. It was very much like, focus on whatever it is that you have to do because Jimmy’s in a bad mood, and if he sees that, he might fly off.”

Staff members claim that Fallon's "outbursts" adversely impacted their mental health, including nightmares, hair and weight loss, and suicidal ideation. They talked to Rolling Stone anonymously out of concern for retaliation -- which they claim has also been an issue at the show.

“Mentally, I was in the lowest place of my life. I didn't want to live anymore. I thought about taking my own life all the time,” one former employee claims. “I knew deep down I would never actually do it, but in my head, I'm like, ‘Why do I think about this all the time?’”

During the filming of a segment with Jerry Seinfeld, two staff members recollect an “uncomfortable” episode in which Fallon apparently publicly “scolded” a crew member in charge of his cue cards. Seinfeld allegedly told Fallon to apologize, which he allegedly did.

“It was very awkward, and Jerry [Seinfeld] was like, ‘You should apologize to him,’ almost trying to make it a joke,” a former employee claims. “It was one of the strangest moments ever and so many people were there, so it's kind of hard to forget.”

Subsequently, the publication of the story, Seinfeld sent a statement to Rolling Stone in response: “This is so stupid. I remember this moment quite well… I teased Jimmy about a flub, and we all had a fun laugh about how rarely Jimmy is thrown off. It was not uncomfortable at all. Jimmy and I still occasionally recall it and laugh. Idiotic twisting of events.”

In a statement in response to the Rolling Stone article, a representative for NBC avoided mentioning Fallon by name.

“We are incredibly proud of The Tonight Show, and providing a respectful working environment is a top priority,” the spokesperson said.

“As in any workplace, we have had employees raise issues; those have been investigated and action has been taken where appropriate. As is always the case, we encourage employees who feel they have experienced or observed behavior inconsistent with our policies to report their concerns so that we may address them accordingly.”