William Shatner, renowned for his iconic portrayal of Captain Kirk in "Star Trek," has ventured into the intriguing realm of artificial intelligence exploration.
Embracing the role of an AI pioneer, Shatner embarked on dialogues with ProtoBot, a cutting-edge device that seamlessly combines holographic visuals with advanced conversational AI.
These interactions led him to delve into profound philosophical and ethical inquiries regarding the evolving technology.
In his exchange with ProtoBot, Shatner engaged in a captivating dialogue that transcended typical AI interactions. Reflecting on the AI's potential, he posed thought-provoking questions that push the boundaries of its understanding.
As Shatner explained to Reuters, "I'm asking ProtoBot questions that ordinarily a computer doesn't answer," Shatner told Reuters.
"A computer answers two plus two, but does ProtoBot know what love is? Can ProtoBot understand sentience? Can they understand emotion? Can they understand fear?"
Proto Inc., in collaboration with CodeBaby, has introduced ProtoBot, a groundbreaking device that fuses holographic visuals with advanced conversational AI.
Developed as a learning tool, ProtoBot engages in conversations, deriving insights from interactions. Notably, it responds when prompted, creating a unique dynamic where ProtoBot's creations are catalyzed by the user's inquiries.
It will be released on September 8 and available free to owners of Proto M or Proto Epic hologram units.
The smaller Proto M unit costs around $6,500 while the life-size Proto Epic sells for $65,000. Proto intends to release a cheaper model for consumers in the next 18 months.
Shatner is a paid adviser for Proto.
Raffi Kryszek, the principal AI architect and head of innovation at Proto Hologram, said the device was designed to learn from conversations but it can only create something when prompted to do so.
"It shouldn't just think about it on its own," he said.
Lawmakers around the world are racing to put safeguards around the use of AI as the technology rapidly evolves.
Proto hopes its device will be used by educators, scientists and businesses to come up with new ideas, or for medical diagnostics, advice or just companionship.
"We're at a crossroads everywhere," Shatner said. "We're going to burn up or we're going to exceed all expectations and this is part of the crossroads.
This will help us decide the current way to move on or it will defeat us. We're at a really interesting time in history."
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