he highly anticipated biopic chronicling the life of Robert Oppenheimer, the visionary behind the world's first atomic bomb, made its debut on Friday. The film delves into the ethical dilemmas faced by the scientists involved in the Manhattan Project, where quantum physics and intricate scientific principles played a crucial role.
Upon its release, audiences worldwide flocked to theaters, hailing the movie as a "masterpiece." However, not everyone shared the same sentiment, including Sam Altman, the CEO of Open AI.
In a tweet, he expressed his disappointment, stating that he had hoped the movie would ignite a passion for physics among children, but it "really missed the mark on that."
Altman's tweet read, ''I was hoping that the Oppenheimer movie would inspire a generation of kids to be physicists but it really missed the mark on that. let's get that movie made!'' He went on to praise the movie 'Social Network' and said that it '' managed to do this for startup founders.''
Elon Musk, the CEO of Twitter, concurred with Altman's sentiment and simply wrote, "Indeed."
While some shared similar views with Altman, many disagreed and instead used the opportunity to make jabs at AI, ChatGPT, and even the movie "Social Network."
One user commented on the latter film, saying, ''The social network is an unfortunately brilliant depiction of how innovative people can act in selfish, harmful ways and still get ahead.''
Another suggested, ''Generate a new alternative version of Oppenheimer that inspires the viewer to become a physicist. Change the script and scenes wen needed. Try to keep the plot close to the original as possible.''
A third user proposed ''Somebody should make a movie to inspire kids about the pitfalls of AI.''
Despite the differing opinions, the film received glowing reviews from critics. Saibal Chatterjee, a film critic for NDTV, awarded the movie 4.5 stars out of 5 in his review and described it as a "cinematic achievement of blinding brilliance." He praised its compelling blend of visual grandeur, technical prowess, emotional depth, and a profound exploration of the limits of human ambition and endeavor.
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