Thursday June 27, 2024

Meghan Markle thinks marrying Prince Harry has ‘freed her from hard work’

Experts believe Meghan Markle intends on living life without having to do any more ‘hard work’

By Web Desk
July 03, 2023
Meghan Markle thinks marrying Prince Harry has ‘freed her from hard work’
Meghan Markle thinks marrying Prince Harry has ‘freed her from hard work’

Meghan Markle has just been accused of wanting to live off of royal connections now that she has a prince for a husband.

These claims and admissions have been brought to light by royal commentator Allison Pearson.

She started everything off by addressing Meghan’s alleged plans for the future.

According to The Telegraph she went as far as to say, “The Duchess thought she had put all that kind of tedious hard graft behind her.”

She also admitted how, “After marrying the fifth in line to the throne and establishing a base in the States, she and her husband would trade on their royal fabulousness.”

But, much to the Duchess’ alleged dismay, “All those Hollywood types who had remained oddly immune to Meghan Markle’s charms when she was just a wannabe actress/Deal or No Deal suitcase girl would now genuflect before her title. She would savour that.”