Monday September 16, 2024

Meghan Markle, Prince Harry are ‘worth the clickbait that they might drag in’

Prince Harry is allegedly playing with a ‘teetering stack of dominos that are going to fall’ on his other deals

By Web Desk
June 26, 2023

Experts believe Prince Harry is currently at risk of having his entire stack of ‘teetering stack of dominos’ falling flat on his face and the other deals he’s signed.

These revelations about the couple’s personality and the interest in them has been brought forward by Borkowski PR founder Mark Borkowski.

According to the Daily Mail, he believes, “From my position it's incredibly interesting times for them.”

But “If they had value to specify they would certainly still be taking the Spotify shilling. But it's very damaging when a top Spotify executive calls them 'grifters'.”

“Do we see a teetering stack of dominos that are going to fall with the other deals they've got? It remains a bright future for Meghan if she goes down the lifestyle route - she can do that. But Harry's no David Beckham.”

At the end of the day, Mr Borkowski believes, “What makes them attractive is they're worth the clickbait that they might drag in.”

However, he also noted that “on the other hand it doesn't allow them to control the story.”