Monday September 16, 2024

Prince Harry ‘now secretly regretting dishing the dirt on his family for money’

Experts allege Prince Harry, Meghan Markle have ‘tugged at the royal teat’ till its ‘ran dry’

By Web Desk
June 22, 2023
Prince Harry ‘now secretly regretting dishing the dirt on his family for money’
Prince Harry ‘now secretly regretting dishing the dirt on his family for money’

Prince Harry has allegedly started to regret the dirt he’s dished against the Royal Family so far.

These claims and admissions have been brought to light by royal journalist Jane Moore.

According to The Sun she started by saying, “Following the unceremonious dumping by Spotify, perhaps it’s now dawning on them that The Tig — the lifestyle website Meghan closed down when she met Harry but is now reportedly thinking of rebooting — might never reach the dizzy heights of Gwynnie’s lucrative Goop?”

“And what of their ‘multimillion dollar’ deal with Netflix? Now the milk of the royal teat has been tugged dry, what else of interest is left for them to say?”

She also added, “So perhaps the ‘juggernaut of hype’ — as one PR described it, has finally hit the buffers?”

“Which, lastly, leads one to wonder if Harry is now secretly regretting dishing the dirt on his family for money?”

“For even if he hasn’t quite burned his bridges with his father and brother and they welcome him back in to the royal fold with open arms, there’s another slight issue” as “the British public might not be quite so forgiving.”