The upcoming season of the popular animated Sci-Fi series Futurama is set to return on Hulu on July 24. This will be the show's eighth season and will consist of 10 episodes.
Hulu commissioned a total of 20 episodes for the revival. The show previously returned after its original run in 1999, with reruns airing on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim and DVD releases.
Comedy Central later aired a fifth season, created from four direct-to-video films, followed by two more seasons between 2010 and 2013. The new season will feature payoffs to long-standing mysteries and explore topics such as vaccines, bitcoin, cancel culture, and streaming TV.
The official synopsis of the Futurama reads: “New viewers will be able to pick up the series from here, while long-time fans will recognise payoffs to decades-long mysteries – including developments in the epic love story of Fry and Leela, the mysterious contents of Nibbler’s litter box, the secret history of evil Robot Santa, and the whereabouts of Kif and Amy’s tadpoles. Meanwhile there’s a whole new pandemic in town as the crew explores the future of vaccines, bitcoin, cancel culture, and streaming TV.”
The original voice actors, including Billy West and Katey Sagal, will reprise their roles, and John DiMaggio, who voices Bender, has also joined the new episodes. Futurama was created by Matt Groening and developed with David X.
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